Country Trackers

21 Countries with Red and White Flags

Many countries around the world proudly fly flags with just two colors: red and white! In fact, over 21 countries use only these two colors to create their unique national symbols. Here are all 21 countries Flags With Red and White: Austria, Bahrain, Canada, Denmark, Georgia, Gibraltar (UK territory), Greenland (Denmark territory), Hong Kong (China SAR), Indonesia, …

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Shoe size by country

Shoe Size by Country 2024

Shoe size varies from country to country. This is because people in different countries have different genetics, nutrition, lifestyles, and traditional footwear practices. In general, people in northern countries tend to have larger feet than people in southern countries. This is because people in northern countries tend to walk more and wear shoes that are …

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Divorce Rate by Country 2024

World Divorce Rate Divorce is a challenging experience, impacting individuals emotionally and financially. While it signals the end of a relationship, it can also bring newfound freedom and improved parent-child relationships. However, divorce’s effects on children, including increased risk of mental health issues, substance abuse, and lifestyle changes between homes, are significant. Financial struggles post-divorce, …

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Average Height By Country 2024

Introduction: In the diverse tapestry of our world, one intriguing aspect is the significant variation in average heights among different countries. This article explores the average height in the world, for men and women separately, while also delving into the heights of the tallest and shortest countries. Let’s embark on a journey to understand the …

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Average IQ in the World in 2024

Introduction Intelligence is a fascinating aspect of human diversity, and researchers often measure it using an Intelligence Quotient (IQ). While IQ is just one way to gauge cognitive abilities, it provides insight into how different populations compare in terms of problem-solving, critical thinking, and memory. In this article, we’ll delve into the average IQ scores …

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5G bands by country

5G Bands By Country

5G bands are the specific frequencies that 5G networks use to transmit data. These bands are divided into three main categories: Low bands (sub-1 GHz): These bands offer the widest coverage and can penetrate buildings well, but they offer the slowest speeds. Mid bands (1-6 GHz): These bands offer a balance of coverage and speed, …

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