AI interest by States in 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming our world, and many US states are taking notice.

These states are showing a strong interest in AI through various initiatives, such as funding research and development, establishing AI-focused programs and partnerships, and promoting the adoption of AI technologies in various sectors.

State AI Interest
Utah 100
Washington 95
California 90
Virginia 85
Wisconsin 80
Colorado 75
Massachusetts 70
New York 65
Texas 60
Illinois 55
Oregon 50
Pennsylvania 45
Georgia 40
Arizona 35
Michigan 30
Florida 25
Ohio 20
North Carolina 15
New Jersey 10
Indiana 9
Minnesota 8
Missouri 7
Tennessee 6
South Carolina 5
Alabama 4
Oklahoma 3
Kentucky 2
Louisiana 1
Mississippi 0
Arkansas 0
West Virginia 0
Vermont 0
Rhode Island 0
Delaware 0
Connecticut 0
Maine 0
Hawaii 0
Alaska 0

Utah stands out as a leader in AI development, with a thriving tech industry and a focus on innovation. The state is home to numerous AI companies, including Brigham Young University’s Center for Intelligent Machines and Microsoft’s Utah Technology Center. Additionally, Utah government agencies are actively incorporating AI into their operations.

Washington is another state at the forefront of AI innovation. The Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington is a leading center for AI research, and the state government has invested heavily in AI initiatives.

California, with its Silicon Valley hub and strong technology ecosystem, is a hotbed for AI development. Numerous AI startups and established tech giants are based in California, making it a center for cutting-edge AI research and application.

Virginia has emerged as a growing hub for AI, attracting companies and talent from across the country. The state’s proximity to Washington, D.C., and its strong infrastructure have made it an attractive location for AI development.

Wisconsin, while not as widely recognized for its AI activity, has a growing presence in the field. The state is home to several AI companies and research institutions, and its government is actively promoting AI adoption.

These five states represent a diverse range of AI landscapes, from established hubs like California and Utah to emerging centers like Virginia and Wisconsin. Their collective efforts are driving innovation and shaping the future of AI in the United States.

What is driving AI interest in these states?

There are several factors driving AI interest in these states. One factor is the potential for AI to create jobs and economic growth. AI is already being used to automate tasks and develop new products and services, and this trend is only expected to continue. AI is also expected to have a significant impact on the healthcare, education, and transportation industries.

Another factor driving AI interest is the fear of falling behind. As AI becomes more prevalent, states that do not embrace this technology risk being left behind economically and culturally.

Finally, many states are simply curious about the potential of AI. AI is a rapidly evolving technology, and there is a great deal of interest in understanding its potential applications.

What are the challenges facing these states?

Despite the potential benefits of AI, there are also several challenges that these states face. One challenge is the need for skilled workers. AI requires a specialized skillset, and there is a shortage of qualified workers in this field.

Another challenge is the need for data. AI is trained on data, and the quality and quantity of data can significantly impact the performance of AI systems.

Finally, there are also concerns about the ethical implications of AI. Some people worry that AI could be used to create autonomous weapons or to discriminate against certain groups of people.

What are these states doing to address these challenges?

Many of these states are taking steps to address the challenges of AI. For example, Utah has created a state-wide AI initiative to promote research, education, and adoption of AI. Washington has also invested heavily in AI education and training programs.

In addition, many states are working to develop ethical guidelines for AI development and use. For example, California has established a commission on AI and the Future of Work to study the ethical implications of AI.

What does the future hold for AI in these states?

The future of AI in these states is bright. With their strong interest in AI and their commitment to addressing the challenges, these states are well-positioned to become leaders in the development and adoption of AI.


AI is rapidly transforming our world, and the US states most curious about AI are at the forefront of this transformation. These states are investing in AI research, education, and adoption, and they are working to address the ethical challenges of this technology. As AI continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovation and progress in these states.

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