Multiple Blue Rings

Top 10 Blue States 2024

Multiple Blue Rings

Vermont, with a substantial D+16 Democratic advantage, reflects a strong Democratic presence, aligning with the state's progressive values and policies. 

Vermont (D+16) 

Source: UNICEF

Multiple Blue Rings
Multiple Blue Rings

Wyoming follows closely, with a predominantlyMassachusetts, boasting a D+15 Democratic advantage, continues to be a Democratic stronghold, known for its progressive policies and active political engagement.  White population according to the data. 

Massachusetts (D+15) 

Multiple Blue Rings

Source: UNICEF

Multiple Blue Rings

Hawaii, with a D+14 Democratic advantage, maintains its status as a reliably blue state, reflecting the influence of Democratic values in its political landscape. 

Hawaii (D+14) 

Multiple Blue Rings

Source: UNICEF

Multiple Blue Rings

Maryland's D+14 Democratic advantage underscores its position as a solidly Democratic state, with a political landscape shaped by progressive policies and voter preferences. 

Maryland (D+14) 

Multiple Blue Rings

Source: UNICEF

Multiple Blue Rings

California, with a D+13 Democratic advantage, remains a key bastion of Democratic support, influencing national politics with its large and politically active population. 

California (D+13) 

Multiple Blue Rings

Source: UNICEF

Multiple Blue Rings

New York, carrying a D+10 Democratic advantage, showcases a Democratic stronghold, contributing significantly to the party's electoral base and policy influence. 

New York (D+10) 

Multiple Blue Rings

Source: UNICEF

Multiple Blue Rings

Rhode Island, with a D+8 Democratic advantage, maintains a Democratic-leaning political landscape, reflecting the state's commitment to progressive ideals and policies. 

Rhode Island (D+8) 

Multiple Blue Rings

Source: UNICEF

Multiple Blue Rings

Washington's D+8 Democratic advantage highlights its status as a blue state, reflecting a political environment shaped by Democratic values and policy preferences. 

Washington (D+8) 

Multiple Blue Rings

Source: UNICEF

Multiple Blue Rings

Connecticut, with a D+7 Democratic advantage, stands as a Democratic-leaning state, characterized by a political landscape that aligns with progressive values. 

Connecticut (D+7) 

Multiple Blue Rings

Source: UNICEF

Multiple Blue Rings

1. Delaware's D+7 Democratic advantage underscores its commitment to Democratic ideals, shaping the state's political dynamics and policy direction.

Delaware (D+7) 

Multiple Blue Rings

Source: UNICEF